Letter From My Future Self

Letter From My Future Self

Letter From My Future Self

A Letter from My Future Self

Set yourself up for an empowered and positive life

This is a very powerful exercise

to help set yourself up for an empowered and positive life and to help you get some focus on where you would like to be in your life.

So, imagine yourself, one year from today. This is the “You” of the future – the person that you are choosing to be, all the aspects of yourself and your life you wish to create.

What have you allowed to happen? What are you doing? Who are you with?

Remember that you are the creator of your life, you can have and be whatever you choose.

So one of the best ways to achieve this is to write a letter from your future self to your current self.

This exercise helps you to think from a different space where you can connect to your higher self and from a place of creation. The things you want to create are already done, they are already in your energy field, you only need to raise your vibration to meet it.

First you have embody who you are in the future, feel and imagine who you would be with all that you want to create physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and write from that place to who you are right now.

The reason this works so well, is that it helps you to visualise and imagine where you will be in a year’s time and all that you will create in this upcoming year.

Let go of how this will be accomplished, your higher self will take care of that. You only need to listen to the different messages that come your way – your intuition. These messages may not seem like they will have anything to do with the path you want to create, they will quite often come from random meetings or “throw away” statements. It is important to trust and take action on those thoughts. Also your future self does know how as she/he has already created that life. Trust.

Your future self is already experiencing all of what you want to create. Remember time is relative and not linear, we can be past, present and future all in one moment.

Firstly, it is important to decide what you want to bring into your life, how you want to be. Then start writing from the future as if these things have already happened. You are visualising all that you want to create and imagining what it would be like to be in that space already. You are connecting in with that future version of yourself. Tap into the wisdom of that future self and all that they have accomplished to get to where you want to be.

So where will you be one year from today?

How Everyday Rituals Help Us

How Everyday Rituals Help Us

How Everyday Rituals Help Us

How Rituals Help Us

Even simple rituals can be effective



In our fast-moving world, rituals have the power to ground

and stabilise us, and keep us focused and purposeful. They increase confidence, provide us with a sense of security and can help reduce anxiety and above all, rituals are a great way to increase peace and happiness.

So what is Ritual and how is it different from Ceremony?

A Ritual is basically a set of steps that are performed regularly for either their symbolic value or for creating balance in the everyday, like having your special tea in the morning in your favourite cup, while sitting in your garden to set up your day.

A Ceremony is performed for a specific intention to create change. Ceremonies use Languages of the Heart and bypass logic and analysis that then help create change in your life. These can include weddings, rites of passage, celebrating the seasons or creating ceremony for a specific intention to transition into a new space.

Rituals exist across all cultures and take all different forms. Some rituals are handed down to us, and some we borrow or adapt from others and of course , we can also create rituals for ourselves.

Rituals do not need to be explicitly spiritual or religious. For example, we can make rituals out of everyday tasks, such as getting dressed or brewing a cup of tea. Anything we set our mind to, that we assign a series of specific steps and that we embrace with intention, can be made a ritual. 

Engaging in rituals benefits you. Here’s why…
Rituals Encourage Mindfulness

Rituals give us an opportunity to take our mind off distractions and focus on the task at hand. When we perform a specific ritual, we can immerse ourselves in the performance of it. So, the steps we take, the movements we make and the sensory aspects of it. What noises do we hear, what scents do we smell, how do we feel? This is mindfulness at its finest, and it is why many rituals are so calming: just like in meditation, we draw our attention into the present moment to peacefully observe and be engaged.

Rituals Increase Enjoyment

Scientists at Harvard found that when participants were asked to perform a ritual for eating chocolate, participants rated their enjoyment higher than those who weren’t. How often do you just quickly munch down that chocolate and not even think about it? If you take each bite and feel the sensation of it in your mouth become aware of how your whole body reacts to it and make it a complete enjoyable experience, our body is a much higher vibration than if we just eat it. Yes I am giving you permission to eat chocolate, as long as you do it as a ritual!

Rituals Decrease Anxiety

Ever notice that actors or athletes have certain things that they do before they perform? It might be having a specific drink, or making sure that they have certain objects around them or they are wearing their “lucky socks”. It’s not just mere superstition, the act of performing the gesture actually helps ease tension. These are rituals.

The subconscious mind works on symbols and connects those symbols to certain emotions. So by repeatedly using those symbols in a certain way, it reinforces positive feelings in the body. Research has demonstrated that doing a ritual, especially before a stressful or difficult task, reduces anxiety and stress levels. Rituals have a profound power to help us feel comforted and in control, even in situations where we feel we have so little control.

Rituals Help Us Live with Intention

The intention and meaning that we place on rituals is what makes them feel so Sacred. They are special because we have made the conscious choice to perform them. This is the vital difference between routine and ritual: a routine is something we do passively and indifferently, while the ritual is empowering because we actively engage with it. 

Think of ways you can incorporate more rituals into your everyday life. If there are parts of your life that feel special and sacred to you, you can make them even more special by building rituals around them. For example, if you are a devoted runner, consider laying out your jogging clothes the night before. When it’s time to run, take a deep breath, do a specific set of stretches before and after, and give yourself a mantra or affirmation.

You can also create a ritual for the mere pleasure of doing so. It is important to carve out space and time to engage in thoughtful, deliberate processes. Vow to take time every week to engage in some sort of ritual whether it is eating a meal with candles and music, or having a bath with your favourite essential oils and a book or something else you feel you want to bring into your life; when you engage in ritual, the mundane feels meaningful, no matter what your beliefs. 

How to Stop Making Excuses

How to Stop Making Excuses

How to Stop Making Excuses

How to Stop Making Excuses

Time to Take Charge of  Your Life

Distractions and excuses are everywhere

Excuses come in one of two types: those that contain blame, and those that invite accountability. Learning to differentiate between the two will eventually allow you to minimise blame, eliminate excuses, and become more accountable.

I’ve heard many reasons that people use to explain an unhappy existence… and almost all of them inevitably fall into one huge category, which I call “excuses.”

To stop myself from continuing to make excuses, I found an exercise that has worked really well for me over the years. I call it the “What if up?” So instead of thinking what if something scary or bad is going to happen, think of the opposite. So what if everything goes really well? What if it is easy? What if they are really nice? and so on.

The mind always looks for an answer to any question you ask of it. So that why it is important to ask a positive one! Then add some affirmations and you are cooking!

The affirmations are from “Excuses Begone” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It has helped me take a different approach so that I no longer make justifications for not doing things.

So here is a list of 15 of the most commonly used excuses. On the opposite side is the “what if up” and an affirmation for each.

The affirmations/reframes will assist you in making a conscious effort to encourage yourself to elevate your beliefs and stop making excuses!

Excuse What If Up? Affirmation
It will be difficult What if it is easy? What if I realise that I am really good at it? I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort
I’m too scared What if I find the courage to move forward? What if I move through the fear and find it is ok? I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, because I know that I am never alone.
I’m too busy What if the perfect amount of time showed itself? As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.
I don’t have the energy What if I did have the energy? What if I found that it actually energised me? I feel passionately about my life, and this passion fills me with excitement and energy
It’s too big What if I could break it down into smaller pieces? I think only about what I can do now. By thinking small, I accomplish great things.
The rules won’t let me What if they did let me? What if there is a special rule that lets me? I live my life according to Divine rules
It’s going to be risky What if it wasn’t risky? What if taking the risk was a good thing? Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly
It will take a long time What if I realise that I am ok with how long it takes? Everything is in perfect time I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my destiny
There will be family drama What if because I am in my power everyone remained calm and happy for me? I would rather be loathed for who I am than loved for who I am not.
I don’t deserve it What if I did deserve it? What if I let myself deserve it? I am a Divine creation. Therefore, I cannot be undeserving
I’m too old (or not old enough) What if I am the perfect age with the perfect experience? I am an infinite being. The age of my body has no bearing on what I do or who I am.
No one will help me What if the perfect people show up to help me? The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time.
It has never happened before What if it wasn’t the right time before and now is the perfect time? I am willing to attract all that I desire, beginning here and now.
I’m not strong enough What if I am strong enough? What if I find out that I am stronger than I thought? I have access to unlimited assistance. My strength comes from my connection to my Source of being.
I’m not smart enough What if I am smart enough? What if I have the knowledge that I need and what I don’t know will be shown to me? I am a creation of the Divine mind; all is perfect, and I am a genius in my own right.

This is a taster of how you can choose to look differently at anything that comes up that is scary or you are unsure of and you find that you make excuses to not move forward. See the opposite. Ask yourself the positive question instead. You will see and feel how your vibration raises and you start to feel a lot better about the situation. Onward and upward!

What is an Altar?

What is an Altar?

What is an Altar?

What is an Altar?

Creating a Sacred Space for Change



An Altar is a Sacred Space

that you set up, either in your home or when you are travelling or where you may be doing a ceremony. It helps us to focus on certain aspects of our lives such as peace, meditation, joy, inspiration and can also help with focusing when you want to create change.

Building Altars is a positive way to actually do something about those things in your life which may be negatively influencing you. You can learn new and creative ways to view situations in your life.

It helps you to have a Spiritual centre even if you don’t participate in any form of organised religion. However, you can still build Altars if you do. It will still enrich your life.

Creating these spaces can be an art form. Contrary to what some may thing, figuring out what to put on it in order to garner the results you want takes time, thought and a connection to your own form of symbolism.


Firstly decide where you want your Altar to be. You may want different ones in different areas of your home. They can be as small or as large as you want. I have one on my bedside table, which is a small space and also have others that are larger in other areas of my home.

Next establish if there is a specific direction you want it to face. In Wiccan tradition it can be the North for the connection to the Earth Element. In Eastern traditions it can be the East – the place of the rising sun.

You may change direction according to what you are working on at the time and corresponding with any other traditions that you work with like Feng Shui or the Medicine Wheel. There is no wrong way here, whatever feels right for you.

Make sure this area is not a dumping ground for keys and other items. It needs to be only for that purpose.


Determine what items you will choose to best represent your altar purpose. Is it seasonal, for self-growth, to manifest something, to help someone or some place, or to create a positive environment?

You can have different Altars with different purposes, yet best not to have one Altar with multiple aspects, as this can be confusing to the energy and dilute the purpose.

You can also write out your intentions on a nice piece of paper and have that as part of your purpose to place on it.


Altars can also be created to represent the Seasons. Use items to represent what the Season means to you. You may choose to do Ceremony around the changing of the Seasons or the Equinox and Solstices. This is really great to connect with Nature and Mother Earth and your inner core.


Altar Purpose and foundation


Using a tray or cloth as a foundation for your items, focuses the energy of the altar and can add colour or texture. This may set the tone for the energy. For instance you could have a red cloth and then work with the Fire Realm.


Pick items that will support the purpose and what feel right for you. This can be elements of Nature, photos, Spiritual Icons, Crystals, Essential Oils. The list is endless. Whatever feels right for you is a Sacred Tool.


Take time to be with the space and cleanse the area and the tools/items. Make sure the area is cleaned  and then smudge with Sage or incense or oils, to set its importance.

Ask the space and the items to help you with the purpose and give thanks. Then when you are ready place them on the Altar with care and gratitude. I like to talk to them as I am placing them, thanking them and stating my intentions.


Be present with your Altar, thank it for how it is helping you. If it is left then it will not feel respected and the energy will dissipate. You are also not honouring yourself if you don’t spend time with it.

If you have written out your intentions, you may want to read them out and anchor them in,


Renew you Altar with the cycles of the Moon. I like to renew on every New Moon as it is the time of new beginnings. However, if the Full Moon resonates more with you with its fullness, then do it at this time. Whichever time feels right but make sure it is renewed each cycle.

Clean it regularly. Don’t let it get dusty. An Altar is a reflection of your life, so take good care of it.

Enjoy the ritual of this process and how you feel so much more connected to self and the Universe.

Self Love Ritual

Self Love Ritual

Self Love Ritual

Self Love Ritual

Time to Nurture & Connect


When we Love Ourselves,

life becomes easier and much more fun. When we realise that it comes down to a choice – to make the decision to love our true selves – then we see clearly that it’s really a matter of practice.

Our highest state is love and it all begins with ourselves. When we love ourselves, others will love us the way we want. When we respect ourselves, others will respect us. Then people that do not resonate with that frequency will gradually go out of our lives.

Also with self-love comes clarity and compassion. So it is important that we practice self-love – it’s like a muscle that needs exercise.

So let’s do a meditation of self- love to help you embrace and honour your true self.

If you have a crystal that you have a special connection with, it would be a good idea to get it now.


Transcript of Ritual

Sit somewhere peaceful and get yourself comfortable and relax.

Take a deep breath and let your thoughts flow in and out without paying any particular attention to them.

Holding your crystal ask it to help and support you in this space and to soak up all the positive energy of today.

Feel your body, feel the seat beneath you, feeling relaxed.

Place your hand on your heart – the most powerful energy centre in your body. The place of love – all types of love, today we are embracing self love.

Now breathe into your heart, imagine that your breath is going into your heart. Feel a ball of golden light or pearlescent or rainbow – whatever feels right for you – going into your heart with each breath.

You might start to notice that with every breath the energy is building, your heart energy is getting bigger, filling your whole body. Then spilling out into the room as a bright, warm, healing, loving light.

You can increase the energy of this even more by thinking about something or someone you love unconditionally. Or anything that brings you joy. Feel that energy washing over you.

As you feel this energy and you are immersed in it, say the following:

There is abundant love in the Universe

There is abundant love in me

I see myself as a connection to Source and Mother Earth where all love begins and resides

I know I am unique and have a wonderful purpose in this life

I ask for guidance to help me see my path

I ask for support to help me to see and know and embrace my worth

I am a Divine being and I love myself deeply.

I am worthy of my love

I am worthy of the love of others.

Thank you.

Breathe slowly and let the power of those words sink in.

Now think of some of the amazing qualities that you have, your creativity, your intelligence, how you bring joy to so many, your zest for life, your caring…

If there is any uncertainty or resistance, tune into that part of the body where you feel it and then direct the loving energy from your heart to it. This is only the subconscious feeling a bit uncertain about the new path. Tell it that you are safe.

Now imagine that there is an angel standing behind you, this angel is always looking out for you, is part of you and is always there to support you. Feel its wings wrapping around you and comforting you. Feel that love and support. This is always there, you only need to ask.

Bask in this space for a bit longer and when you are ready come back into this space and open your eyes.

You can come back here when you find that you are judging yourself or lacking in confidence or self-worth.


I Love You. Thank you for being here