Is it Time to Turn on Your Light?

How about living a life where:

You understand who you are at a SOUL level

Magic is a DAILY occurrence

You TRUST your intuition and INNER GUIDANCE

Judgement is a thing of the past, you no longer worry what others think

You are living an EMPOWERED life

Life is FUN and an adventure; everyday an exploration of being YOU!

Then Let Me Guide You

There is nothing wrong with you!

You have just turned off the switch to your Beauty and Magic

 Hello! I’m Trishe

My wish is to provide a calming, safe and magical place where you can do some healing or learn things about the Universe or reconnect to your inner knowledge, the Earth and life itself.

I am not your master

I don’t want to teach you – you already have all the knowledge. Let me guide you through the doorway to remembering, remind you who you are  and reawaken that magical spark within, reconnect to that power – your power.

Navigating this world can be challenging, I know you feel the shift in the energy. How do we manoeuvre our way through it or be with it?

“I heard about Trishe from a friend in a retreat and she spoke so highly of her, so I thought I would give her a try. Since then I haven’t looked back and our sessions have become a ritual of self-care and self-love.

Trishe provides a safe space to talk and with guided questions that allow me to find the answers within myself.  The various techniques that Trishe applies in her sessions, truly unlock the healing potential of our own bodies. Her knowledge, care, compassion, non-judgmental and balanced support is a gift to me.

Lina Maria Farfan


It’s Time For Things To Change!

Click to learn the different ways I can help you


I first went to Trishe at eight months pregnant with my fifth child, so massive I was afraid I would break her healing table! Over the years since then I have regularly consulted Trishe, enjoyed her wise and loving presence and really value her ability to help me assess aspects of my life that require reflection and sometimes action.

Trishe was a regular guest on Morning Magazine, a radio show that I presented on RTRFM 92.1, sharing her knowledge on a wide range of modalities and aspects of healing. I always look forward to seeing her and wish I could hang out with Trishe more often.” 


Meri Fatin


Let's Turn on Your Light!